This blog post comments on "The List" [a list of abusers and perpetrators at Middlebury which was posted on social media] and the fallout for the activists and survivors who were involved. This post urges people to be aware of the burden of being a…
This blog post describes a collaborative exhibit called "The Little Things" that Stares on Stairs later planned to show at M Gallery. This post described the exhibit's goal of bringing awareness to the parts of a survivor's experience that often go…
This blog post reflects on an attempted installation at Rites of Spring, an invite-only annual dance held by the "secret" fraternities at Middlebury. It speaks to the fact that the performers were kicked off of the property/alpaca farm by the owner…
This blog post reflects on the dynamics of power, class, race, gender, heteronormativity, and sexual violence present in the culture of Middlebury's "secret" fraternities and how this dynamic manifests in their annual invite-only dance, Rites of…
This blog post was written by an anonymous performer after an instillation at the Mill, a social house on campus. In this piece the author talks about their experience performing and critiques the Mill which, despite it's alternative reputation,…
This blog post includes responses from different "performers" and "bodyguards" after an installation at Chromatic, a social house on campus. These responses detail student reactions to the instillation and observations on the party culture among…
This blog post reflects on how the Stares and Stairs installation outside of the BORNS Spring Concert was different than other locations and performances. It also addresses the group's attempts to avoid triggering survivors and other questions that…
This blog post reflects upon the experience of the first ever Stares and Stairs instillation as well as the various supportive, kind, defensive, and violent reactions of students . Stares and Stairs posted this to their website on April 20, 2016.
This blog post includes photos from multiple instillations, and depicts the way that performers were dressed, spread out on the stairs, and paired with "bodyguards." Stares and Stairs posted this to their website on April 11, 2016.