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Patterson fought with a lot more compassion than most fighters did. When asked about his fight with Eddie Machen, he justified his actions by saying that he did not need to hurt Machen more than he was already hurting. He then talks about the hard…

Front cover of magazine used to access "Still Too Tender to be a Tiger"

Front cover of magazine used to access "He Moves Like Silk, Hits Like a Ton"

Front cover of the magazine used to access "A Rueful Dream Come True"

April Showers Fragrance.jpg
“Before he comes home…splash yourself with freshness” begins this advertisement for a deoderant cologne by Cheramy Perfumers. Behind the text, the advertisement pictures a nude woman in full makeup rubbing a clean, white towel to her face. Her…

Listerine Ad, True Confessions, Oct 1956.JPG
This advertisement for Listerine Antiseptic begins with a narrative directed at the disappointed woman pictured, though the second person point of view also implies that the reader should feel addressed. The narrative states that the man at the…

Over A Barrel? True Confessions Oct 1956.JPG
“Over a barrel? for clothes? money? love?” asks this advertisement for a catalog of “fabulous Hollywood glamour-fashions designed for male appeal.” The catalog includes articles of lingerie, play-clothes, separates, coats, shoes, and date dresses to…

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This set of consumer goods, which include a cowhide briefcase for work, a straw hat and portable alarm clock, three different sets of hedge trimmers, a bar master, an outdoor grill and a full set of suits and business clothes are what defines someone…

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The idealized Western Man is someone who (ironically) doesn't put much stock in material goods, but rather is someone who enjoys a hard days work and whose worth is not what's in his bank account, but rather his word and the relationships that he's…

An article detailing the career of Cassius Clay before he became Muhammad Ali.
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